How do you change the oil on a Harley gearbox?
Dec. 22, 2020, 3:51 p.m.
Posted by @vishal, Here are Harley Davidson oil change instructions you can follow at home.
1. Gather Supplies
To change your oil, you’ll need a few supplies:
Draining pan
Oil filter wrench
Needle nose pliers
Flathead screwdriver
New oil filter
Motor oil
You’ll also need a well-ventilated space. Outside is a great option. If you have to change your oil in your garage due to weather, you should keep the doors open to provide sufficient airflow.
2. Warm up Your Bike
It’s easier to perform a Harley oil change after your bike’s warmed up, as the fluid will be thinner and therefore easier to drain. You don’t have to go far; a ride around the block should do the trick.
Read more at Answer to How do you change the oil on a Harley gearbox? by Bikeshala